Watch Free Webinar Video

Watch this short video on how to win a 100% scholarship without a first class in your dream university abroad.

What You Get In 15 Days

  1. 15-Days Fully Funded Scholarship-Winning Training
  2. Personal Statement / Scholarship Essay Software
  3. Academic CV Template / Sample
  4. Reference Letter Template / Sample
  5. Supervisor Email Template / Sample
  6. Loan provider list for countries abroad
  7. List of open and hidden scholarships
  8. Low tuition schools and free tuition schools (bonus)
  9. Search for hidden scholarship (bonus)
  10. 24/7 training support during and after the course (bonus)

We will provide a 15 Day Course Package with up-to-date knowledge and coaching to graduates who are seeking for fully funded scholarships in Canada, the USA, the UK, and SWEDEN for Masters or Ph.D. programs and applying as International students from their home country.

In our training course, students will be trained on how to secure a fully funded scholarship during admission even with low grades. The trainers are all products of this course and have amazing testimonies they will share with you.

We also provide some advisory services to undergraduates looking for low tuition fees in Universities abroad.

Enroll in BSC today and start counting 15 days to your success!

beabless scholarship testimonies

A student secured $30,000 in funding with second class lower without using an agent.

Beabless Scholarship Class Testimonies

Another happy student with a scholarship testimony thanks to the essay and document review team.

Beabless Scholarship Class  Testimonies

Another happy student who got absolute value from BSC. Knowledge is indeed power. Invest in yourself.

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Hi, I’m Beatrice Agyapong

Few months ago, I won over $50,000 in Educational scholarships to my dream University in Canada without using an agent.

Prior to this, I had already lost much money and time to some agents and scammers who promised to help me with my scholarship and travel applications. I was almost giving up on my dream when it dawned on me I could attempt the process by myself at least. It took me almost three (3) years of research, trial, and error to finally get this testimony. The good news is you do not have to go through what I went through. My team and I have compressed these years of experience into 15-days training for your success.

Beatrice Agyapong is a postgraduate engineering student in Canada and a Scholarship admissions expert at Beabless Scholarship Class (BSC).

Frequently Asked Questions

1. "How do l make payment to get started?"

Click the 'enroll now' button after watching the free webinar video, and follow the steps. You can also send us an email for assistance.

2. "How will l get access to the training content after payment?"

As soon as your payment is done, you’ll get an e-mail with step-by-step instructions to get started. 

3. "Can’t l find this information on Google?"

We understand there’s a lot of free information out there on Google. In fact, we spent so many years figuring out and sorting out the right information that is needed for our scholarship journey when we were starting out. But we wished we had something like this that would just give us the right answers to our problems, rather than us wasting so much time searching for them. Besides, most of the videos on google focus too much on the concepts, whereas this course teaches you the exact techniques and methods you need to be successful with your study abroad journey. You also have access to amazing coaches/scholars to give you support.

4. "What if l purchased the training course, but then realized it was not what l expected?"

We have had an extremely high satisfaction rate with our course and we are so confident you’ll receive your expectations. We are so confident to give 100% money back should there be disappointments, but note terms and conditions apply. Therefore, we encourage you to join this training course if only you are prepared to implement what will be taught to guarantee the best results. 

5. "Will this work for people with no knowledge of how to do a school application or international fully funded scholarship?"

Yes Absolutely!!! The training course starts with the very basics, then continues to the techniques and strategies no one will tell you. There is something different you will learn here that you won’t find anywhere else. 

6. "How soon can we expect to get results?"

The course has been designed such that you need to take actionable steps with us from Day 1 to Day 15. So we are working on the application with you from the onset. We know what we teach works and practice makes improvement. So this means, we will start the application with you, and by the 15th day, you would count down to victory.

7. "Does the team provide training to students on Study Visa Applications?"

Yes! But we provide study visa application training to only students who enrolled in Beabless Scholarship Class and are successful with their scholarship application.